
I saw that my last entry here was last year April. How fitting it is that I am writing again and coming back now.  So what has happened in my life since I last posted here? Sooooo soooo much!!! Which is why I was not able to update my blog. But now my entries will have a little bit of shift. As you may guess from the title, I will now focus more on writing about my travels. That is exactly what has been happening last year.  Last year has been full of travels and it still continues with the kind of work that I do.

One of the perks that I get for my profession as a Financial Advisor is traveling for free because of our incentive trips. I also enjoy the flexible time that we have, meaning I don’t have an eight to five job.  I can take a leave whenever I want to which is also why I have more freedom to travel and wander around.

So watch out because I will be posting my travels from last year and a lot more.  #isiswanders #icetrips #traveltheworld #travelthephilippines



Your Traveler and Financial Advisor 😉

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