The Art of Sparking Joy!

I’m so honored and privileged to be friends with Ren, who is a certified KonMari consultant, in short she helps spark joy in different homes. There are only two certified KonMari consultant here in the Philippines and Renelyn Tan-Castillejos is one of them!

And because I am dear to her, she made a special one on one workshop session for me so that I can finally learn how to declutter and spark joy in my own home.

I learned a lot but my key take-away would be: how things are in our own homes may also reflect the internal condition of ourselves. Because those two things are co-related. Aside from that, I also learned the proper order of decluttering. You start first with the most basic of things that probably doesn’t have any emotional attachment to you, and that’s your clothes / wearable items. You start there and work your way to the more sentimental items in your home.

Another tip is that when you let go of an item, just say a word of thanks/thank you to help you not feel guilty that you’re giving it away/throwing it already. I also learned how to fold clothes the KonMari way.

Here is a photo with Ren. She just sparks so much joy!

Thank you Ren for sharing your expertise with me. You may follow her in Instagram at: worldofyorokobi

You may also attend her upcoming workshop on October 12, if you want to learn more on how to declutter and really spark joy in your homes!

I’ll be applying the KonMari method/ the art of organizing things because I have seen the benefits it had with Ren and her family. I’ll show my progress here, stay tuned!

Excited to #sparkjoy in my own home! <3



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