A Year Older, A Year Wiser

Almost two months have passed since my birthday, and in that short amount of time, there’s already so many things that I have learned.


Friendship is always a good foundation and to get to know someone better.

Balance the heart and the mind.

Ask and be intentional on what you want.

No holding back in the things that you want to say and express, be true to what you want to share.

If it’s important to you, then the other person will see it in your perspective as well.

If the other person doesn’t see how valuable and precious you are, then it’s a clear sign to stop wasting your time.


Passion Projects will help you move forward and help you gain focus.

Take breaks from the daily grind, and learn something new and fun.

Talk and stay in touch with your friends / a select group of friends.

When feeling lost and unsure, pause and pray. Deep breaths and meditate.

Exercise your body, mind and soul. It’s good to maintain activity and be well rounded.

Go out of your comfort zone once in awhile.


I have reached a new milestone this year by publishing my first ever Poetry Book! And I’m on to the next new passion project!

Thank you Lord for another year in my life and for your faithfulness in guiding me. 32 is just the beginning of more amazing experiences and milestones!

And continuously learning in this subject called “Life”.



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