Author: isis

  • Quite Sick…

    AGAIN!  but this time it’s not LBM or anything related to stomachache, it’s my ear, I don’t know if it’s an ear infection but I’m going to the doctor later and have it checked. But everytime I swallow something,solid food or liquids my right ear hurts.The ear pain is certainly connected to my throat. I don’t know…

  • Weight Maintenance!!!

    (Peace Signs…Offering my peace to everyone who checked my site and saw that I haven’t updated it for quite some time. Forgive Me…=p ) Halloooo….Hallooo…Halloo!!! I definitely don’t have good reasons why I wasn’t able to write here for the past week and this week…I guess I was too caught up in work and just…

  • M.I.A. for Good Reasonsss…

    I’ve been Missing In Action for quite a while now in my blog, but it is because f valid reasons if I may add. As most of my friends might already know, I’ve been in a car accident (Major one, the car even turned upside down) but the most miraculous thing happened to the three…

  • Loosen the Stool

    Lately I’ve been having problems in my daily routine in releasing the necessary wastes in our body. So I’ve been eating a lot of prunes and oatmeal which are very good for the health also aside from being effective in loosening the stool. Here are some other foods that may help you fight constipation: Fruits:…

  • Resist and Persist

    Resist temptation of JUNKFOODS and SWEETS! and Persist towards the goal! 40 days to go and though sometimes I do give in to cravings just a little bit, I have to really focus on savoring the reward in the end rather than savoring the delicious food/cravings I have. I bumped into Pao today and voila,…

  • 1,2,3…

    3 is turning out to be a lucky number for me. =p Yesterday I wasn’t able to blog because my net was down/ rather this blogsite of mine wasn’t loading. Anyways I have great news! I LOST 3LBS! =P YEHEY! So now I weigh 123lbs.  My goal is to lose 10 more. So close to…

  • Remedy Needed…

    I was quite sick yesterday. I had a headache and I think fatigue took over my body because of the long trip back to Manila (It wasn’t actually that long but it was still tiring!) And now, my throat hurts (oh oh sore throat alert!) and I have a bit of a dry cough, but…

  • R&R Time

    I need some REFLECTION AND RELAXATION right now, so tomorrow until sunday I am going to a leader’s retreat hosted by my church. =p Yeah!!! I think I really need to be away from the stress caused by work and my attempts to lose weight. Not that I’m giving up to both…I’m still game to…

  • Grapefruit is Love.

    Grapefruit is indeed one of the healthiest and most beneficial fruit. Here are some benefits: Grapefruit can help in weight loss, since it is low in sodium, high in fatburning enzymes. Low sodium intake can help flush out excess water that is caused by high sodium food. Grapefruit has high water content, and an increased water consumption can…

  • 20 lbs in 1 month…

    …more like 10 for me. =) But I found this article about losing 20lbs in 1 month and honestly, i think that the guidelines provided does sound effective and it’s a sure result to weight loss. Here are some of them: Cardio is 20 minutes of hard cardio – Hard cardio is defined as keeping…